Learning Outcome Assessment 5

  • Due May 2, 2020 at 9am
  • Points 10
  • Questions 11
  • Available after May 1, 2020 at 9am
  • Time Limit 50 Minutes


You have 50 minutes in which to take this assessment. Be sure to submit before your time runs out or you may not receive credit for your work. You may use your cheat sheet but nothing else. This assessment should be done by you and you alone. You may not communicate with anyone else in or out of the class about the assessment until after the deadline for the assessment has passed.

You will get credit for any question that you answer correctly or very nearly correctly. You do not need to attempt all the questions! I would recommend attempting 5 or 6 of them. Start with the questions that seem easiest to you first. 

Remember that by the end of the semester (inclusive of the final), you need to accrue credit for a specific number of questions to meet the criteria of a given grade bundle. All grade bundles require that you earn credit for at least one question that assesses each programming skill and construct we cover this semester. Each question is labeled with the skills and constructs that it assesses. Here is a list of all the skills and constructs for your convenience:


Programming skills


  1. communicate about programming using the correct vocabulary
  2. plan and design programming solutions to problems
  3. implement programming solutions proficiently
  4. read and trace code
  5. articulate the importance of and demonstrate the execution of code testing
  6. debug logical and syntax errors in code

Programming constructs

  1. basic terminal commands (ls, cd, pwd)
  2. compiling and running programs
  3. variables
  4. basic input/output
  5. branching
  6. looping
  7. functions
  8. file input/output
  9. vectors/arrays
  10. structs
Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes