TPS 1: Command Line
- Due Feb 5, 2021 by 10am
- Points 1
- Submitting a file upload
- File Types doc and docx
- Available after Feb 5, 2021 at 9am
In your TPS Google Doc, create a new row for this TPS by right clicking the row of your previous TPS entry and selecting "Insert row above". Fill in the "TPS" and "Date" columns.
In the "Think" column, place your answer to the following question:
Suppose I'm in a terminal. I type pwd and see that I am in the folder /Users/hfeild (my home directory). I have a C++ file, hello.cpp, in my Downloads folder that I want to compile. Without leaving my terminal, what is the sequence of commands I need to enter on the command line to compile hello.cpp to an executable named hello?
After a few minutes, I'll have you confer with one or two of your neighbors about the question. Write your pair's answer in the "Pair". After that, we will share as a class; write the answer in the "Share" column.
Submit your TPS document here (you should be able to submit it directly through Drive if you're only logged into your Endicott Gmail account in your browser).