Lab 9: Programming assignments
- Due Apr 13, 2021 by 4pm
- Points 10
- Available after Apr 13, 2021 at 2pm
In this lab, you'll have time to work on your PAs (the ones due today from Lab 7, the ones due next week listed in Lab 8, the ones listed at the bottom of this lab, or any that you're currently working on a "redo" for). There's nothing to submit, but you should be present in the lab working on your PAs for the whole period.
PA options
Please see the syllabus and course schedule (both on the homepage) for more information about how many programming assignments you are required to pass, due dates, etc. Of note: you do not need to attempt every or even most PAs.
Note: please add this to the top of your source code file, just above the specs:
// In fulfillment of Lab 9.
You may submit any one of the following PAs that you have not yet received credit for, subject to the noted exclusions. Note they they will appear as "Late" in Canvas; the true due date is is 11:59pm on Tuesday, April 27th.
- PA 2.1: Area under the curve (only if you haven't submitted PA 8.1)
- PA 3.1: Adaptive quiz
- PA 3.2: Password generator+ (only if you haven't submitted PA 4.1 or PA 7.1)
- PA 4.1: Password generator++ (only if you haven't submitted PA 7.1)
- PA 4.2: Calculator
- PA 5.1: Word stats (only if you haven't submitted PA 7.2)
- PA 5.2: Digital Rolodex (only if you haven't submitted PA 7.3)
- PA 6.1: Gridworld with random layout and points
- PA 6.2: Gridworld with moving enemies
- PA 6.3: Speed reader I
- PA 7.1: Password generator++ with functions
- PA 7.2: Word stats with functions
- PA 7.3: Digital Rolodex with functions
- PA 8.1: Area under the curve with functions
- PA 8.2: Counting coin flip runs through simulation