Extra Credit: CS Speaker Series II
- Due Mar 19, 2021 by 11:59pm
- Points 0
- Submitting a file upload
- File Types doc, docx, and pdf
NOTE: This is worth 5 points towards your homework grade (it's listed as 0 because it's not required).
Attend the CS Speaker Series panel on March 12 from 2–3pm and write a reflection paper answering the questions below within one week. If you cannot make the panel because of another class, you must email me the day of to let me know you wanted to attend but couldn't and I will arrange an alternative extra credit.
Your reflection should be 1–2 pages and address these points:
- summarize the panel (who were the speakers and what were their roles)
- what two pieces of advice did you find the most insightful?
- what would you consider doing in your remaining time at Endicott to better position yourself for your post-graduation career based on the experiences shared by the panelists?
- aside from the questions that were asked, what question(s) would have found useful for the speakers to respond to?
Submit your reflection as a docx, PDF, or Google Document.