Practice Quiz
- Due No due date
- Points 0
- Questions 11
- Time Limit None
- Allowed Attempts Unlimited
NOTE: This is just for practice! For questions that have auto-graded answers, you should be able to see the answers after you submit the quiz. In a normal quiz, you would have 50 minutes to complete it during class.
This quiz has 10 problems. You may complete as many or as few of them as you'd like; whatever quiz points you accumulate over the semester will be divided by 35 for your final quiz grade (there are a total of 80 quiz questions offered throughout the semester). Each problem is worth 1 point (though they all appear as "0" for Canvas bookkeeping reasons) and will be graded as follows:
- Full credit (1pt): the provided solution is correct or very close to correct.
- Partial credit (0.25pts): the provided solution is correct in some key ways and demonstrates a mastery of some of the concepts being assessed in the question.
- No credit (0pts): the provided solution (if any) does not demonstrate any mastery of the concepts being assessed in the question.
In addition, part of your final course grade is based on your coverage of the following skills and constructs; to "cover" one of them, you must receive full credit for at least one quiz question that assess the skill/construct.
Programming skills
Programming constructs