Course overview

Welcome to CSC302 Web Programming II!

Important resources

In-person/remote day assignments

Courses designated as "in person", such as this one, may designate certain class meetings as remote if warranted from a pedagogical perspective. For this course, I have designated Fridays to be remote days. See the first Announcement for the Zoom and Discord information. When you attend in person, be sure to bring a charged laptop and headphones as well as your mask.

The same Zoom link will be used for all class meetings. See this announcement for the link and password.

Monday class
Wednesday class
Friday class

Everyone is welcome to attend in person if you choose to. You may also participate remotely or asynchronously.

Everyone is welcome to attend in person if you choose to. You may also participate remotely or asynchronously.

Stay home! Connect via zoom to participate live or do the assigned work asynchronously. Note that every other Friday is a quiz day, and so you'll need to take the quiz during the class meeting time.

Course schedule

The readings/videos and homework are due before class on the day listed; the class activities and think pair shares will be done in class on the day listed, or are due within 24 hours of that class if you cannot attend class. Quizzes will take place during class time on the day listed (in person or remotely/synchronously); contact me if you will miss one of those days.  For details about what is required to receive credit for each type of assignment, see the "Evaluation methods" section of the syllabus.

CC Attribution This course content is offered under a CC Attribution Links to an external site. license. Content in this course can be considered under this license unless otherwise noted.