Class Activity 0
- Due Sep 3, 2020 by 9am
- Points 1
- Submitting a website url
Step 1: GitHub
You will track and submit your work in this course using the Git version control system. If you are unfamiliar with Git, I've made a playlist of videos describing it and how to use it here Links to an external site..
Create a GitHub account if you don't already have one. Create a new private repository named: "csc302-jsmith", but replace jsmith with your first initial and last name. Add me as a collaborator in the repository settings (my GitHub username is hafeild).
If you would like to work with a partner on this class activity, that's fine; one of you should create a new private repository named something like "csc302-jsmith-pjones" (i.e., both of your names are in the repo name. Make sure that both your partner and I are added as collaborators on the project.
Next, clone the repository to your computer. If you've never used git on your computer before, you'll have to install and configure it. There are videos explaining how to do these things in the playlist linked above.
Step 2: Folder structure
Inside of your repository, create a folder called class. In that folder, create another folder called ca1. This is the folder for this class activity—all of your files for this activity should go in that folder.
Step 3:
Using your favorite plain text editor (e.g., VS Code), create a file in your ca1 folder called player.html. Note: if you are working with a partner, I suggest using VS Code with the Live Share plugin so you can collaborate in real time (here's a video going over it when it was called VS Live Share Links to an external site.).
Paste the following HTML into the file:
<!DOCTYPE html>
Inside of the body tag, add the code to embed a YouTube video (any video you'd like). You can find the embed code on the YouTube page; click on "SHARE" under the video, then select "Embed".
Save your file. Open your webpage in a browser to make sure the embedded video works.
Now modify your webpage to include a title that appears in the browser tab—look up "html title tag" if you forget how to do this.
Finally, try some of the following things. These are meant to help familiarize you with the code.
- modify the embed code so that the YouTube controls don't appear (there's an option to toggle controls when you generate the YouTube embed code; what is actually changing in the code?)
- change the size of the embedded video so that it's the full width of the page even when you resize the browser window
- change the size so that it's smaller than the default
- without generating a new embed code from YouTube, modify the HTML so it shows a different YouTube video
Step 4: Submitting
Stop wherever you are at the end of 40 minutes. Add a file with the following information:
- who you worked with (say "I worked alone" if you didn't have a partner)
- how long you spent on the assignment
- what the most challenging aspects were
- any lingering questions you have about the assignment
You will need to include a similar file for all of your assignments (see this video for details Links to an external site.). Commit your work, push it to GitHub, and then submit a link to your ca1 folder on GitHub.
Programming assignment options
There are no options for this class activity.
Criteria | Ratings | ||
You spent 40 minutes working diligently on the class activity
You uploaded a link to your assignment folder on GitHub