Class Activity 4
- Due Sep 17, 2020 by 9am
- Points 1
- Submitting a website url
Step 1: Adding multiple views to VidQuiz
Make a folder in your or your pair's repository called ca4. Copy your latest player.html file to ca3/index.html. Update the page as follows:
- when a user visits index.html or index.html#, they are shown the VidQuiz homepage
- this should display the video "add" bar
- it should contain a list of links to each of the VidQuizzes added so far
- when a user clicks on one of the videos, the page's location is changed to index.html#:videoId (the id of the video to be loaded) and the view changes to the specified VidQuiz
- this view should have two modes: edit and play
- the cut option (if you implemented it for PA2.1) should be available in edit mode, but not in play mode
- there should be a way to toggle between the two
Here are example wireframes for these views:
Step 2: Submitting
Stop wherever you are at the end of 40 minutes. Add a file with the following information:
- who you worked with (say "I worked alone" if you didn't have a partner)
- how long you spent on the assignment
- what the most challenging aspects were
- any lingering questions you have about the assignment
You will need to include a similar file for all of your assignments (see this video for details Links to an external site.). Commit your work, push it to GitHub, and then submit a link to your folder for this assignment on GitHub.
Criteria | Ratings | ||
You spent 40 minutes working diligently on the class activity
You uploaded a link to your assignment folder on GitHub