Work on Class Activity 10 for about 60 more minutes. Focus on planning and, if you have time, writing the code for the PHP API. Concentrate on making the actions handlers return data in a format that matches how the data is currently stored in the VidQuiz front end. You do not need to worry about supporting multiple choice questions yet unless you'd like to. Update your vidquiz.php and api.txt files as necessary.
Update classes/ca10/README to include the following below your responses from HW 10:
this assignment name
who you worked with (say "I worked alone" if you didn't have a partner)
how long you spent on the assignment
what the most challenging aspects were
any questions you have about the assignment (we can handle these in class)
Commit and push your changes, and submit a link to your classes/ca10 git repository.
Can't change a rubric once you've started using it.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeYou copied over your latest VidQuiz file to digdug and it can be reached with the submitted URL.12553_2324