Class Activity 16
- Due Oct 21, 2020 by 10am
- Points None
Note: There's nothing to submit to this class assignment, though you will submit homework related to it.
We've got user-authentication! (you can see solution in the ca13-solutions folder on Dropbox Links to an external site.). But authentication doesn't get us very far without some authorization scheme. We want to modify VidQuiz so that:
- only users who are signed in can add or watch a video
- only users who created a particular VidQuiz can edit it (add/update/remove questions)
- users can watch any VidQuiz, even if they didn't create it
The ca16-starter folder on Dropbox Links to an external site. has code to get us started. Here's what's implemented and what needs implementing:
- if a user isn't signed in, they are redirected to the sign in view
- in the data model:
- a new table, VidQuizProgress, tracks viewers' progress watching a video (currentTime, currentSpeed, queuedQuestionIndex)
- a new table, Responses, holds viewers' responses to questions (TODO)
- in the API:
- the user must be signed in to perform any action other than sign up/sign in/sign out
- TODO: Implement the stopUnlessSignedIn function in api.php
- rework the API so that VidQuiz progress updates are no longer handled by the update-vidquiz action
- TODO: implement updateVidQuizProgress in api.php
- updating/deleting a VidQuiz or question, or adding a question to a VidQuiz, requires the user to be the creator of the associated VidQuiz
- TODO: update these functions to call the helper function stopUnlessAssociatedUser in api.php
- actions + handlers for CRUD on question responses is supported
- anyone signed in user can add a question response
- only the owner of a response can update it
- only the owner of a response or the owner of the associated VidQuiz can retrieve or delete a response
- when adding a VidQuiz to the DB, include the user's id
- when adding a response to the DB, include the user's id (TODO)
- when retrieving a VidQuiz, also grab the user's progress information from VidQuizProgress (TODO)
- if a progress entry doesn't exist, create a new one
- include the id of the entry
- all unauthorized actions will result in an error about not having authorization
- the user must be signed in to perform any action other than sign up/sign in/sign out
- on the client:
- update saving progress (need to specify the VidQuizProgress id, not the VidQuiz id) (TODO)
- update saving responses (no longer updating whole Questions entry, but a Responses entry) (TODO)
Here's what the tables should look like: