PA 26.2 (Advanced): VidQuiz REST API
- Due Dec 9, 2020 by 11:59pm
- Points 1
- Submitting a website url
- Available after Nov 18, 2020 at 9am
Copy the latest version of VidQuiz from Dropbox Links to an external site. (ca16-v2) over to your Git repository in a folder named pa/pa26.2. Create a file named router.php and implement all of the endpoints listed on this page Links to an external site., as well as signing up, signing in, and signing out. You do not need to modify anything in the existing front end code.
You should test your REST API by creating an page named rest-test.html page in the same spirit as index.html from the Library app example (see ca22-class on Dropbox)—namely, a page that allows you to send requests to each individual REST endpoint.
Here's the rubric:
[ ] all endpoints (method + URI) are present in the router lookup
[ ] the controller for each endpoint uses parameters consistent with the documentation
[ ] the response generated for each endpoint matches the documentation
[ ] a test page called rest-test.html page is present and includes an interface
for testing each of the REST endpoints in router.php
Submitting PAs
Be sure to create a with the following information:
- who you worked with (say "I worked alone" if you didn't have a partner)
- how long you spent on the assignment
- the PA option (and, if applicable, the earlier PA option it builds off of)
- a copy of the PA option's rubric, filled out (only submit if you can honestly check off each of the criteria)
- what the most challenging aspects were
- any lingering questions you have about the assignment
Commit and push your git repository to GitHub, then paste a link to your PA directory.