TPS 13
- Due Oct 15, 2020 by 9am
- Points 1
- Submitting a file upload
- Available after Oct 14, 2020 at 9am
Insert a new row just below the header in the table in your TPS Google Doc. Fill in the first two columns. Add your response to the problem below in the "Think"column.
Suppose I have a hash function h that takes a string and then generates a hash by taking the ASCII value of each character and concatenate them together. For example, the result of h(endicott) is "10111010010599111116116" the ASCII values of each character in "endicott" are as follows:
e | 101 |
n | 110 |
d | 100 |
i | 105 |
c | 99 |
o | 111 |
t | 116 |
t | 116 |
Is h a good hash function to use in authentication? Why or why not.
If you are joining the class live (in person or over Zoom), pair up with someone when asked to do so—please use Discord or your preferred means of interacting with someone to share your answers (please see the announcement with details about Discord). Settle on an answer between to two or three of you and put that answer down in your "Pair" column.
Regardless of whether or not you are attending live, one person from your pair group should add your answer to the "TPS class share Links to an external site." document (make sure you're logged into your Endicott gmail account).
Finally, submit your personal TPS Google doc to this assignment.
Criteria | Ratings | ||
You uploaded your copy of the TPS Google doc
You made a reasonable attempt at the "thinking" portion and this was clearly marked on your document
You made a reasonable attempt at the "sharing" portion and this was clearly marked on your document